123 produit(s)
  • (4.0730ms) SELECT * FROM parameter order by name asc
  • (0.8630ms) SELECT * FROM product_cat WHERE id=12 LIMIT 1
  • (0.9770ms) select v.id, v.name from product as p, product_vendor as v where p.productVendorId=v.id AND p.productCatId=12 group by productVendorId order by name ASC
  • (0.7130ms) select techno from product WHERE techno IS NOT NULL AND productCatId=12 group by techno
  • (0.6660ms) select min(dimWidth) as min, max(dimWidth) as max from product WHERE dimWidth IS NOT NULL AND productCatId=12
  • (0.6630ms) select count(id) as c FROM product WHERE isSuspended=1 AND productCatId=12
  • (0.6690ms) select count(id) as c FROM product WHERE isCustom=1 AND productCatId=12
  • (0.9250ms) select * from product_cat WHERE parentId=12 AND isAvailable=1 ORDER BY position ASC, name DESC
  • (0.6380ms) SELECT * FROM article WHERE code='PRODUCT_LIST' LIMIT 1
  • (0.7420ms) select count(*) as counter from product WHERE productCatId=12 AND isAvailable=1 ORDER BY id desc
  • (9.7560ms) select * from product WHERE productCatId=12 AND isAvailable=1 ORDER BY position ASC, name DESC LIMIT 0,100
  • (0.7230ms) SELECT * FROM product_cat WHERE id=12 LIMIT 1
  • (0.4810ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=1 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5400ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=27 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5240ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=11 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5460ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=2 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.5310ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=3 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.4810ms) select * from menu WHERE type!='I' AND parentId=4 ORDER BY position ASC
  • (0.7530ms) SELECT * FROM article WHERE code='FOOTER_TEXT' LIMIT 1